Saucepans and Spices

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MATHURA PEDA (with milk powder)


  • 2cups milk powder

  • 2-3 tbsp Ghee

  • 1cup milk

  • Cardamom powder 

  • 2-3 tbsp of caster sugar or Tagar( I used homemade powdered sugar ) 

  • 2-3 tbsp for sugar for rolling the pedhas


Heat 1tbsp ghee in pan and roast the milk powder on low flame

Keep stirring continuously 

  • Periodically add the remaining ghee. Keep stirring continuously until the milk powder turns brown evenly. This could take around 15-20 mins

Add milk in small quantities and keep stirring for 3-4 mins more

Remove from fire and let the mixture cool down 

  • Add cardamom powder 

  • Add the sugar and mix it well

If mixture is wet you can put in fridge for 10-15 minutes

Roll into Mathura pedha shape and roll it in sugar to coat it well

That’s it , your easy and super delicious Mathura ke Pedhe are ready


  • adjust the sugar according to the milk powder used.